Easy Bill Marketing Plan

Easy Bill
WW   100,000.00 bushels $       5.10
SW   100,000.00 bushels $       5.70
Corn   100,000.00 bushels $       4.00
Bill likes to keep things fairly simple 
Cash Flow is not an issue 
Have 100k of ww corn and sw to sell and  we will use the futures price to simplify things.
If target price is not hit by deadline then grain will be sold at
that days price if it is above the break even price listed

1I will sell 15k at 8.20 by Dec 31st using TBD
2I will sell 15k at 8.40 by Jan 11th using TBD
3I will sell 15k at 8.60 by Feb 8th  using TBD
4I will sell 15k at 8.80 by March 1st using TBD
5I will sell 15k at 9.00 by March 28th using TBD
6I will sell 15k at 9.40 by April 15th using TBD
7I will sell 10k at 10.00 by May 9th using TBD

1I will sell 15k at 8.50 by Dec 31st using TBD
2I will sell 15k at 8.60 by Jan 11th using TBD
3I will sell 15k at 8.70 by Feb 8th  using TBD
4I will sell 15k at 9.00 by March 1st using TBD
5I will sell 15k at 9.30 by March 28th using TBD
6I will sell 15k at 9.50 by April 15th using TBD
7I will sell 10k at 10.00 by May 9th using TBD

1I will sell 15k at 5.80 by Dec 31st using TBD
2I will sell 15k at 6.00 by Jan 11th using TBD
3I will sell 15k at 6.10 by Feb 8th  using TBD
4I will sell 15k at 6.20 by March 1st using TBD
5I will sell 10k at 6.40 by March 28th using TBD
6I will sell 10k at 6.60 by April 15th using TBD
7I will sell 10k at 6.80 by May 9th using TBD
8I will sell 10k at 7.00 by May 9th using TBD

market comments from 12-15-10


Comments 12-14-10 Wheat markets hit hard