Comfortable Changes
Below is a rough draft for a newsletter article that I did up. Won't come out for a few weeks; but here is a sneak preview..........
Comfortable Changes
Ok…… I do really struggle writing an article for newsletters
because of the fact that our grain markets are ever changing and by the time a
newsletter gets put together, proofed, and sent out our markets may have
changed dramatically. No one really knows the future the only thing we
know is that there be will change. Our markets are called futures markets
just for that reason; that we don’t know what is going to happen with them in
the future.
All we know is that there will be change; and plenty of
change in prices is what we have experience in the past few years. Did
you know that since our bull markets started in June of 2010 we have had well
over 100 (I stopped counting at 100 with 10 months left) moves of 30 cents or
more in a couple day period in the KC Wheat contract. It was just a few
weeks ago that we seen beans up about a dollar a bushel in a week or so; follow
by down about a dollar a bushel a week or so later. After a bullish crop
report we seen beans move 85 cents from their highs to their lows. Not
mentioning the swings we have had for the other grains like spring wheat,
sunflowers, and corn. Bottom line is our markets are always
changing. So much so that I could never write an article for a couple
weeks in the future without expecting some major changes.
Ok I think everyone knows that our markets are always
changing. That we determined and is well known. What is more
important is what we do with those changes; are we able to manage them.
In grain marketing with grain price outlook do we make decisions that are
fearful or greedy? Do we put our self in a situation where we are forced
to make bad sales at the wrong time? Do we fail to make sales when our
gut is telling us to sell at nice profitable levels?
Each of you know your answers to the above questions; but
with our every changing markets are you able to adapt in a comfortable
way? Do you have a marketing plan that leaves you comfortable at
night? A pro-active risk management strategy that allows you to be
successful in the future whether the crop prices for corn, wheat, soybeans, and
sunflowers go up, down, or sideways?
At the end of the day the message is simply get comfortable
in our changing market. For some of you that might mean writing a
marketing plan which is something we would be happy to help you with .
For others it might mean simply having a solid crop insurance plan.
Others it might mean making scattered profitable sales to help avoid the
extremes price swings that we seem to have. Many of you might use put
options to help protect downside risk in our markets. Some of you might
feel you need to re-own grain sales in case you sell to soon or use min-price
contracts. We can help you with all of these. Bottom line is your
Midwest Cooperatives Grain Marketing team is here to help you find your comfort
zone in our ever changing market. Don’t forget we have all sorts of tools
to help you in your grain price risk management; such as the min price
contracts, weekly marketing meetings, helping of writing grain marketing plans
with the ability to tie in everything from finance to inputs to the sale of
grain, and a Country Hedging Branch Office.
So there you go; that is my preach. Get yourself