Market Comments - 5-23-12 - What used to be open grain market calls!
It is about 8:45 and presently we have the grains weaker
along with outside markets weaker.
Presently we have corn off about 4 cents, KC wheat off about
15 cents, MPLS down 13 cents, CBOT wheat off 19, and beans off 25 cents. Outside markets have the cash dollar index
about unchanged, EU wheat lower, equities a lower with the DOW off 80 points,
and crude is down 60 cents.
One comment I had from a buyer today was is wheat really
down 15 cents? With the real lack of
volume do the present prices mean much?
Yesterday it was like that as we seen big movements at 9:30 for the
grains and seen volume really pick up and then really die off at 1:15. So I guess it will be a learning lesson for
many on all sides in the industry.
Technically things have turned a little ugly; we commented
yesterday how the bean chart really looked ugly and how corn was just back
towards the bottom end of it’s nearly 8 month range. Wheat now weaker looks like we maybe put in a
top on Sunday night; I guess it still goes back to how we close out in the next
couple of days. Was the correction the
dollar rally wheat seen in it’s prices or is the 40-50 cents we are off of the
highs from Sunday night the correction in the start of a bull market.
Forecasts are calling for some moisture in Russia and that
has helped push the markets weaker. But I
also seen a comment this a.m. that Ukraine rain won’t help wheat, National
Meteorology Center Says today. "As much as 30 % of the grain harvest in E
and S Ukraine may be lost".
We have seen Russian wheat production lowered by a couple
different analysts the past few days. So
Hopefully the price action we are seeing in wheat is that just of a correction as
the dollar rally in less then a week might have been a little much.
The other side of that is there are analysts out there that
thing and feel wheat is just a feed grain and that it can’t hold it’s recent
rally versus corn.
When markets have so many factors and variables like our
markets do; plus the fact that the funds are just huge players and make money
flow be the biggest fundamental at times out weighing actual supply and or
demand when it comes to marketing the only thing I can preach is to practice
good risk management. As I can give you
possible outcomes where we are much higher; but I can also give one possible
outcomes where the grains are much lower.
So finding a way to be comfortable whether the markets are falling out
of bed or exploding higher really is key in having a grain risk management
Please don’t forget we do offer a Country Hedging Branch
that can help you utilize futures and options when putting together your grain
marketing plan.
Please give us a call if there is anything we can do for